The purpose of the study is to determine and evaluate the volume of motor activity of modern students in the semester cycle, to compare the results of the study with the data obtained in 2013. Organization and methods of research. From September 2022 to February 2023, 708 students of the National Research University "BelSU" took part in the study, including 431 girls and 277 boys studying in the 1st and 2nd courses. Research methods: study, analysis, comparison of scientific and methodological literature data; pedometry; questionnaire; statistical processing of the results obtained. The results of the study and their discussion. In order to study the volume of motor activity of students of the National Research University "BelSU" with the help of pedometry, the number of steps in daily, weekly, monthly and semester cycles was calculated. Statistical processing of the obtained results revealed the reliability of differences (p≤0.05 according to the Wilcoxon w-criterion) in the indicators of motor activity, both boys and girls. The results obtained and their comparison with the data of previous studies indicate that the average daily volume of students' motor activity has significantly decreased over the past 10 years. Conclusions. Students are characterized by a lack of motor activity due to the modern hypodynamic mode of educational activity in a situation associated with a long period of distance learning, a decrease in motivation for independent motor activity.
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