Ключевые слова:
талант, олимпийская подготовка, элитные спортсмены, государство, система.
В современном мире для многих стран в «глобальной спортивной гонке» главным является завоевание медалей на мировых подиумах. Претендующие государства постоянно ищут возможности улучшения подходов спортивной подготовки своих атлетов для выступления на Олимпийских играх. Каковы же механизмы организации олимпийской подготовки, которые позволяют странам быть на передовых позициях в течении многих олимпийских циклов.
1. Булатова М.М. Опыт подготовки национальных сборных команд различных стран к Олимпийским играм. Наука в Олимпийском спорте № 1. 2009
2. Есентаев Тастанбек Кутжанович (2016). Политическое влияние на систему подготовки спортсменов в олимпийском спорте. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, (1), 19-23
3. Матвеев, Л. П. (1999). Основы общей теории спорта и системы подготовки спортсменов. К.: Олимпийская литература, 320, 5.
4. Платонов В.Н. Общая теория подготовки спортсменов в олимпийском спорте: учеб. для ин-тов физ. культ. / В.Н. Платонов. - Киев: Олимпийская литература, 1997. -583 с
5. Платонов, В., Бубка, С., Булатова, М., Павленко, Ю., Томашевский, В., Есентаев, Т., & Коваленко, Н. (2017). Менеджмент подготовки спортсменов к Олимпийским играм.
6. Светличная, Н. К. (2022). Научно-методическое обеспечение подготовки спортсменов высокой квалификации в Олимпийском и Паралимпийском спорте. In Сборник Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная наука в Олимпийском спорте». –Ташкент: НОК Уз (pp. 348-352).
7. Фролова, М. В. (2022). ФОРМЫ ПОДДЕРЖКИ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫХ СПОРТСМЕНОВ В АВСТРАЛИИ. Молодежь в новом тысячелетии: проблемы и решения (pp. 67-71).
8. Шакиржанова К.Т. Организационно-методические аспекты подготовки резерва высококвалифицированных легкоатлетов к предстоящей Олимпиаде. УзГосИФК. Ташкент, 2005
9. Ahmetov, I. I., & Fedotovskaya, O. N. (2012). Sports genomics: Current state of knowledge and future directions. Cellular and Molecular Exercise Physiology, 1, 1-24.
10. Asatova, G. 2022. Стратегические ориентиры для развития физической культуры и спорта в Узбекистане: модели зарубежного спорта. Общество и инновации. 3, 1 (мар. 2022), 130–140.
11. Australian Sports Commission. Aussie Sports. Clearinghouse for Sport (2020).
12. Baker, J., Côté, J., & Deakin, J. (2005). Expertise in ultra-endurance triathletes early sport involvement, training structure, and the theory of deliberate practice. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 17, 64-78.
13. Barynina, I. I., & Vaitsekhovskii, S. M. (1992). The aftermath of early sports specialization for highly qualified swimmers. Fitness and Sports Review International, 27, 132-133
Beijing: People’s Sports Publishing House of China
14. Bloom, B. S. (1985). Generalizations about talent development. In B. S. Bloom (Ed.), Developing talent in young people (pp. 507-549). New York: Ballantine Books.
15. Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA, Rice TK, Kraus WE, Church TS, Sung YJ, Rao DC, Rankinen T. 2011. Genomic predictors of maximal O2 uptake response to standardized exercise training programs. Journal of Applied Physiology 110:1160-117070
16. Ericsson, K. A., Krampe, R. T., & Tesch-Romer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance. Psychological Review, 100, 363-406.
17. Gobet, F., & Ereku, M. H. (2014). Checkmate to deliberate practice: The case of Magnus
18. Gulbin JP, Croser MJ, Morley EJ, Weissensteiner JR. An integrated framework for the optimisation of sport and athlete development: a practitioner approach.
19. Carlsen. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 878. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00878
20. Helsen, W. F., Starkes, J. L., & Hodges, N. J. (1998). Team sports and the theory of deliberate practice. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20, 12-34.
21. Hoffmann, R., Ging, L. C., & Ramasamy, B. (2004). Olympic Success and ASEAN Countries: Economic Analysis and Policy Implications. Journal of Sports Economics, 5(3), 262–276.
22. Hong, F. (2008). China United States. In: B. Houlihan and M. Green, eds., Comparative Elite Sport Development: systems, structures and public policy, 1st ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.26-52.
23. İmamoğlu, O. (2016), Rio Olimpiyat oyunlarında Türkiye’nin derecesinin değerlendirilmesi. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, 4(3): 774-778.
24. Jason P. Gulbin , Morag J. Croser , Elissa J. Morley & Juanita r. Weissensteiner (2013) An integrated
25. Jinming Zheng & Shushu Chen (2016) Exploring China's success at the Olympic Games: a competitive advantage approach, European Sport Management Quarterly, 16:2, 148-171
26. Jolly R. Sports funding: federal balancing act. Parliament of Australia: Parliamentary Library; (2013)
27. Law, M., Côté, J., & Ericsson, K. A. (2007). Characteristics of expert development in rhythmic gymnastics: A retrospective study. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 5, 82-103.
28. Lombardo, M. P., & Deaner, R. O. (2014). You can’t teach speed: Sprinters falsify the deliberate practice model of expertise. PeerJ, 2, e445.
29. Nihill G, Drane R. Australian Institute of sport: celebrating excellence. Bondi, NSW, Australia: Focus Publishing; (2006).
30. Porter, M. E. (1990). Competitive advantage of nations. New York, NY: Free Press
31. Rees T, Hardy L, Güllich A, et al. The great British medallists project: a review of current knowledge on the development of the world's Best sporting talent. Sports Med.
32. Sahin, S., & Senduran, F. (2020). Effect of Sports Health and Exercise Research on Olympic Game Success: An Analytical and Correlational Survey. African Educational Research Journal, 8(2), 139-146.
33. Simon, H. A., & Chase, W. G. (1973). Skill in chess. American Scientist, 61, 394-40
34. Simonton, D. K. (1999). Origins of genius: Darwinian perspectives on creativity. New York: Oxford University Press.
35. Stambulova, N., Stambulov, A., & Johnson, U. (2012). ‘Believe in yourself, channel energy, and play your trumps’: Olympic preparation in complex coordination sports. Psychology of sport and exercise, 13(5), 679-686.
36. Szabo, A. (2014). Sport and exercise psychology research and Olympic success: An analytical and correlational investigation. European Journal of Sport Science, 14(3): 273-278
37. Thomas S. Which Olympic nations are doing best on the per capita medal tally (2021)
38. Tian, M. (1998). Xiangqun xunlian lilun de jianli jiqi kexueyiyi [The establishment of the theories of training based on clusters of sport and discipline and its scientific implications]. In M. Tian (Ed.),
39. Tien-Chin Tan, Jinming Zheng & Geoff Dickson (2019): Policy transfer in elite sport development: the case of elite swimming in China, European Sport Management Quarterly, 19:5, 645-665
40. Tucker, R., & Collins, M. (2012). What makes champions? A review of the relative contribution of genes and training to sporting success. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46, 555-561.
41. Visscher PM. 2008. Sizing up human height variation. Nature Genetics 40:489-490
42. Ward, P., Hodges, N.J., Williams, A.M. & Starkes, J. (2007). The road to excellence in soccer: A quasi-longitudinal approach to deliberate practice. High Ability Studies, 18, 119-153.
43. Weissensteiner JR. The global evolution of talent promotion within Olympic sports: A focus on the national systems and contribution of the former German Democratic Republic, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Front Sports Act Living. 2023
2. Есентаев Тастанбек Кутжанович (2016). Политическое влияние на систему подготовки спортсменов в олимпийском спорте. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, (1), 19-23
3. Матвеев, Л. П. (1999). Основы общей теории спорта и системы подготовки спортсменов. К.: Олимпийская литература, 320, 5.
4. Платонов В.Н. Общая теория подготовки спортсменов в олимпийском спорте: учеб. для ин-тов физ. культ. / В.Н. Платонов. - Киев: Олимпийская литература, 1997. -583 с
5. Платонов, В., Бубка, С., Булатова, М., Павленко, Ю., Томашевский, В., Есентаев, Т., & Коваленко, Н. (2017). Менеджмент подготовки спортсменов к Олимпийским играм.
6. Светличная, Н. К. (2022). Научно-методическое обеспечение подготовки спортсменов высокой квалификации в Олимпийском и Паралимпийском спорте. In Сборник Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная наука в Олимпийском спорте». –Ташкент: НОК Уз (pp. 348-352).
7. Фролова, М. В. (2022). ФОРМЫ ПОДДЕРЖКИ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫХ СПОРТСМЕНОВ В АВСТРАЛИИ. Молодежь в новом тысячелетии: проблемы и решения (pp. 67-71).
8. Шакиржанова К.Т. Организационно-методические аспекты подготовки резерва высококвалифицированных легкоатлетов к предстоящей Олимпиаде. УзГосИФК. Ташкент, 2005
9. Ahmetov, I. I., & Fedotovskaya, O. N. (2012). Sports genomics: Current state of knowledge and future directions. Cellular and Molecular Exercise Physiology, 1, 1-24.
10. Asatova, G. 2022. Стратегические ориентиры для развития физической культуры и спорта в Узбекистане: модели зарубежного спорта. Общество и инновации. 3, 1 (мар. 2022), 130–140.
11. Australian Sports Commission. Aussie Sports. Clearinghouse for Sport (2020).
12. Baker, J., Côté, J., & Deakin, J. (2005). Expertise in ultra-endurance triathletes early sport involvement, training structure, and the theory of deliberate practice. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 17, 64-78.
13. Barynina, I. I., & Vaitsekhovskii, S. M. (1992). The aftermath of early sports specialization for highly qualified swimmers. Fitness and Sports Review International, 27, 132-133
Beijing: People’s Sports Publishing House of China
14. Bloom, B. S. (1985). Generalizations about talent development. In B. S. Bloom (Ed.), Developing talent in young people (pp. 507-549). New York: Ballantine Books.
15. Bouchard C, Sarzynski MA, Rice TK, Kraus WE, Church TS, Sung YJ, Rao DC, Rankinen T. 2011. Genomic predictors of maximal O2 uptake response to standardized exercise training programs. Journal of Applied Physiology 110:1160-117070
16. Ericsson, K. A., Krampe, R. T., & Tesch-Romer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance. Psychological Review, 100, 363-406.
17. Gobet, F., & Ereku, M. H. (2014). Checkmate to deliberate practice: The case of Magnus
18. Gulbin JP, Croser MJ, Morley EJ, Weissensteiner JR. An integrated framework for the optimisation of sport and athlete development: a practitioner approach.
19. Carlsen. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 878. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00878
20. Helsen, W. F., Starkes, J. L., & Hodges, N. J. (1998). Team sports and the theory of deliberate practice. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20, 12-34.
21. Hoffmann, R., Ging, L. C., & Ramasamy, B. (2004). Olympic Success and ASEAN Countries: Economic Analysis and Policy Implications. Journal of Sports Economics, 5(3), 262–276.
22. Hong, F. (2008). China United States. In: B. Houlihan and M. Green, eds., Comparative Elite Sport Development: systems, structures and public policy, 1st ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.26-52.
23. İmamoğlu, O. (2016), Rio Olimpiyat oyunlarında Türkiye’nin derecesinin değerlendirilmesi. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, 4(3): 774-778.
24. Jason P. Gulbin , Morag J. Croser , Elissa J. Morley & Juanita r. Weissensteiner (2013) An integrated
25. Jinming Zheng & Shushu Chen (2016) Exploring China's success at the Olympic Games: a competitive advantage approach, European Sport Management Quarterly, 16:2, 148-171
26. Jolly R. Sports funding: federal balancing act. Parliament of Australia: Parliamentary Library; (2013)
27. Law, M., Côté, J., & Ericsson, K. A. (2007). Characteristics of expert development in rhythmic gymnastics: A retrospective study. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 5, 82-103.
28. Lombardo, M. P., & Deaner, R. O. (2014). You can’t teach speed: Sprinters falsify the deliberate practice model of expertise. PeerJ, 2, e445.
29. Nihill G, Drane R. Australian Institute of sport: celebrating excellence. Bondi, NSW, Australia: Focus Publishing; (2006).
30. Porter, M. E. (1990). Competitive advantage of nations. New York, NY: Free Press
31. Rees T, Hardy L, Güllich A, et al. The great British medallists project: a review of current knowledge on the development of the world's Best sporting talent. Sports Med.
32. Sahin, S., & Senduran, F. (2020). Effect of Sports Health and Exercise Research on Olympic Game Success: An Analytical and Correlational Survey. African Educational Research Journal, 8(2), 139-146.
33. Simon, H. A., & Chase, W. G. (1973). Skill in chess. American Scientist, 61, 394-40
34. Simonton, D. K. (1999). Origins of genius: Darwinian perspectives on creativity. New York: Oxford University Press.
35. Stambulova, N., Stambulov, A., & Johnson, U. (2012). ‘Believe in yourself, channel energy, and play your trumps’: Olympic preparation in complex coordination sports. Psychology of sport and exercise, 13(5), 679-686.
36. Szabo, A. (2014). Sport and exercise psychology research and Olympic success: An analytical and correlational investigation. European Journal of Sport Science, 14(3): 273-278
37. Thomas S. Which Olympic nations are doing best on the per capita medal tally (2021)
38. Tian, M. (1998). Xiangqun xunlian lilun de jianli jiqi kexueyiyi [The establishment of the theories of training based on clusters of sport and discipline and its scientific implications]. In M. Tian (Ed.),
39. Tien-Chin Tan, Jinming Zheng & Geoff Dickson (2019): Policy transfer in elite sport development: the case of elite swimming in China, European Sport Management Quarterly, 19:5, 645-665
40. Tucker, R., & Collins, M. (2012). What makes champions? A review of the relative contribution of genes and training to sporting success. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46, 555-561.
41. Visscher PM. 2008. Sizing up human height variation. Nature Genetics 40:489-490
42. Ward, P., Hodges, N.J., Williams, A.M. & Starkes, J. (2007). The road to excellence in soccer: A quasi-longitudinal approach to deliberate practice. High Ability Studies, 18, 119-153.
43. Weissensteiner JR. The global evolution of talent promotion within Olympic sports: A focus on the national systems and contribution of the former German Democratic Republic, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Front Sports Act Living. 2023
Как цитировать
Люлина Екатерина Сергеевна, Шакиржанова Клара Ташкенбаевна, & Шакиржанов Тимур Азамович. (2023). ПРЕДИКТОРЫ ОЛИМПИЙСКОГО УСПЕХА В ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ПОДГОТОВКИ ЭЛИТНЫХ СПОРТСМЕНОВ. Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация, 8(3), 33-41. https://doi.org/10.47475/2500-0365-2023-8-3-33-41
Copyright (c) 2023 Люлина Екатерина Сергеевна, Шакиржанова Клара Ташкенбаевна, Шакиржанов Тимур Азамович
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