Исследованы проблемы использования TQM в спорте. Рассмотрены основные положения системы,
приведены её фундаментальные позиции. Предложены возможности использования данной системы
в спорте с учётом успешного зарубежного опыта. Приведены практические рекомендации для адап-
тации данной системы. Рассмотрение вопроса в дальнейшем будет продолжено.
Bonstingl, J.J. (2017). The total quality classroom. Educational Leadership, 49 (6), 70.
Brandt, R. (1992). The Quality Movement's challenge to education. Educational Leadership, 49(6), 5.
Edgeman, R.L. (2016). Quality, reliability, and productivity education: America's hopefor enhanced competitive position. Innovative Higher Education, 13(1), 260.
Huse, E., & Cummings, T.G. (2016). Organization, development and change (pp. 179-227). New York: West.
Metri, B.A. (2005). TQM critical success factors for construction firms. Management, 1(1), 12–26.
Moorman, C. (1995). Organizational market information processes: Cultural antecedents and new product outcomes. Journal of Marketing Research, 32(August), 318–325.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management. (1991). Federal Quality Institute. Federal total quality management handbook: Introduction to total quality management in the federal government, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Bonstingl, J.J. (2017). The total quality classroom. Educational Leadership, 49 (6), 70. (In Engl.).
Brandt, R. (1992). The Quality Movement's challenge to education. Educational Leadership, 49(6), 5. (In Engl.).
Edgeman, R.L. (2016). Quality, reliability, and productivity education: America's hopefor enhanced competitive position. Innovative Higher Education, 13(1), 260. (In Engl.).
Huse, E., & Cummings, T.G. (2016). Organization, development and change (pp. 179-227). New York: West. (In Engl.).
Metri, B.A. (2005). TQM critical success factors for construction firms. Management, 1(1), 12–26. (In Engl.).
Moorman, C. (1995). Organizational market information processes: Cultural antecedents and new product outcomes. Journal of Marketing Research, 32(August), 318–325. (In Engl.).
U.S. Office of Personnel Management. (1991). Federal Quality Institute. Federal total quality management handbook: Introduction to total quality management in the federal government, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. (In Engl.).
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