• Альбина Эмильевна Батуева Институт спорта туризма и сервиса Южно-Уральского государственного университета (НИУ). Челябинск, Россия.
Ключевые слова: тейпирование, кинезиотейпирование, динамическое (биомеханическое) тейпи- рование, баланс-тейпирование, кросстейпирование, спортивные травмы.


Представлен исторический аспект спортивного тейпирования, а также современная классификация
методик тейпирования, используемых в спорте. Рассматриваются возможности, достоинства и недо-
статки различных направлений тейпирования спортсменов, показания и противопоказания к наложе-
нию клейких аппликаций, механизм действия апплицированных тейпов. Обзор составлен на основа-
нии анализа отечественной и зарубежной литературы.



Касаткин, М. С. Основы спортивного тейпирования. Учебное пособие. / М. С. Касаткин, Е. Е. Ачкасов. – М.: Спорт, 2016. – 120 с.

Касаткин,ºМ.ºС. Основы кинезиотейпирования. Учебное пособие. / М.ºС.ºКасаткин, Е.ºЕ.ºАчкасов, О.ºБ.ºДобровольский. – М.: Спорт, 2016. – 75 с.

Киселев,ºД.ºА. Кинезиотейпинг в лечебной практике неврологии и ортопедии. Введение и клиническое применение. – М.: Kinesio, 2010. – 250 с.

Субботин, Ф. А. Пропедевтика функционального терапевтического кинезиотейпирования / Ф. А. Субботин. – М., 2014. – 192 с.

Джун Хун Ли Балансирующее тейпирование. Клиническое применение тейпирования при патологиях опорно-двигательного аппарата / Джун Хун Ли, Сын Вон Чой. Республика Корея: WETAPE, 2016. – 213 с.

Лангендоен Дж., Тейпирование. Как правильно использовать в домашних условиях. / Дж. Лангендоен, Л. Зертель – М., 2018. – 68 c.

ПяйнаппелºГ. Руководство по медицинскому тейпингу. / Г.ºПяйнаппел. – Нидерланды: Verhaag, 2012. – 224 с.

Crossley, K. Patellar taping: is clinical success supported by scientific evidence / K. Crossley, S. Cowan, K. Bennel, J. McConnell // Manual Therapy. – no. 5(3). – 2000. – P. 142–150.

Fu, T. ET all Effect of Kinesio taping on muscle strength in athletes / T. Fu, A. Wong, Y. Pei // Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. – 2008. no. 11(2). P. 198–201.

Gonxales-Iglesias, J. Short-term Effects of Cervical Kinesio Taping on Pain and Cervical Range of motion in patients with acute whiplash / J. Gonxales-Iglesias, C. Fernandez-de-las-Penas, J/ A. Ckeland // Jornal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. – 2009. – no. 39(7). – P. 515.

Halseth, T., McChesney W., DeBeliso M. ET all The Effects of Kinesio Taping on Proprioception at the Ancle / // Journal of Sport Science and Medicine. – 2004.no. 3. P. 1–7.

ºHendry,ᵒD. Effect of Mulligan's and Kinesio knee taping on adolescent ballet dancers knee and hip biomechanics during landing / D.ºHendry, A. Campbell, T. L. Grisbrook, D. M. Hopper // Scandinavian journal of Medicine & science sports. – 2015. Dec, no. 25(6). – 888–96. – URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25091570

Hyland, M. R. Randomised controlled trial of calcaneal taping, sham taping and plantar fascia stretching for the shot-term management of plantar hell pain / M. R. Hyland, A. Webber-Gaffney, L. Cohen // Journal Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. – 2006. – no. 36(6):364-71.

Josia Sijmonsma Lymph taping. Theory, technique, practice. – Netherlands, Hof van Twente, 2010. – 200 p. 15. Jung-hoon, Lee Treatment of chronic Achilles tendon pain by Kinesio tapi ng in an amateur badminton player / Lee Jung-hoon, Yoo Wong-gyu // Physical Therapy in Sport. – 2012. – no. 13.P. 115–119.

Jung-hoon, Lee Application of posterior pelvic tilt taping for the treatment of chronic low back with sacroiliac joint dysfunction and increased sacral horizontal angle / Lee Jung-hoon, Yoo Wong-gyu // Physical Therapy in Sport. – 2012. no. 13. – P. 279–285.

Jung-hoon, Lee Comparison of Soft Collar Versus Cervical-5 Cross-Taping on Cervical Active Range of Motion in Asymptomatic Subjects / Lee Jung-hoon, Soon Lee Kyung // Journal Physical Therapy Science. – 2012. – no. 24. P. 149–151.

Kase, K. Illustrated Kinesiotaping. Kinesiotaping perfect manual. Third Edition / K. Kase. – 1997. – 160 p.

Kilbreath, S. L. Gluteal taping improves hip extension during stance phase of walking following stroke / S. L. Kilbreath, S. Perkins, J. Crosbie, J. McConnell // Australian Journal Physiotherapy. – 2006. – no. 52(1). 53-6.

McConnell, J. Effect of shoulder taping on maximum shoulder external and internal rotation range in uninjured and previously injured overhead athletes during a seated throw / J. McConnell, C. Donnelly, S. Hamner, J. Dunne, T. Besier // Journal Orthopaedic Research. – 2011. – 29(9):1406-11.

McConnell, J. The Effect of Tape on Glenohumeral Rotation Range of Motion in Elite Junior Tennis Players / J. McConnell, B. McIntosh // Clinical Journal Sport Medicine. – 2009. – no. 19(2):90-4.

McConnell,ºJ, DonnellyºC, HamnerºS, DunneºJ, BesierºT. 2012 Passive and dynamic shoulder rotation range in uninjured and previously injured overhead throwing athletes and the effect of shoulder taping / J. McConnell, C. Donnelly, S. Hamner, J. Dunne, T. Besier // PM&R. – 2012. – no. 4(2):111-6. 23ºGwang,ºWon Medical Taping Concept, Daesung Medical press / Won Gwang. – 2005.

Olaf,ºKandt Handbook / OlafºKandt, CrossºLinq. – Germany, Hannover, 2016. – 364 p.

Thelen,ºM.ºD. The Clinical Efficacy of Kinesio Tape for Schoulder Pain / M. D. Thelen, J. A. Dauber, P. D. StonemanºPºD. // Jornal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. – 2008. – no. 38(7): 389-95.

Yoshida,ºA. The effect of Kinesio Taping on lower trunk range of motion / A. Yoshida // Research in Sports Medicine. – 2007. no. 15:103-12.


ºKasatkinºM.C., AchkasovºE.E. Osnovy sportivnogo tejpirovaniya [Basics of sports taping]. Moscow, 2016. 120 p. (In Russ.).

ºKasatkinºM.C., AchkasovºE.E., DobrovolskiyºO.B. Osnovy kinesiotejpirovaniya [Fundamentals of kinesiotaping]. Moscow, 2016. 75 p. (In Russ.).

ºKiselyevºD.A. Kinesiotejping v lechebnoj praktike nevrologii i ortopedii. Vvedenie i klinicheskoe primenenie [Kinesiotaping in the medical practice of neurology and orthopedics. Introduction and clinical application]. Moscow, 2010. 250 p. (In Russ.).

ºSubbotinºF.A. Propedevtika funkczionalnogo terapevticheskogo kinesiotejpirovaniya [Kinesiotaping in the medical practice of neurology and orthopedics. Introduction and clinical application]. Moscow, 2014. 192 p. (In Russ.).

Jung-hoon Lee, SynºWongºChoy Balansiruyushhee tejpirovanie. Klinicheskoe primenenie tejpirovaniya pri patologiyax oporno-dvigatelnogo apparata [Balance taping. Clinical application of taping in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system] Respublika Koreya, 2016. 213 p. (In Russ.).

ºLangendoenºJ., ZertelºL. Tejpirovanie. Kak pravilno ispolzovat v domashnix usloviyax [Taping. How to use at home]. Moscow, 2018, 68 p. (In Russ.).

ºPijnappelºH. Rukovodstvo po mediczinskomu tejpingu [Guide to medical taping]. Niderlandy, 2012, 224 p. (In Russ.).

Crossley K., Cowan S., Bennell K., McConnell J. Patellar taping: is clinical success supported by scientific evidence. Manual Therapy 5(3), 2000, 142-150.

Fu T., Wong A., Pei Y. et all Effect of Kinesio taping on muscle strength in athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2008; 11(2):198-201. (In Engl.).

Gonxales-Iglesias J., Fernandez-de-las-Penas C., Ckeland J.A. Short-term Effects of Cervical Kinesio Taping on Pain and Cervical Range of motion in patients with acute whiplash. Jornal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2009; 39(7):515-21. (In Engl.).

Halseth T., McChesney W., DeBeliso M. Et all The Effects of Kinesio Taping on Proprioception at the Ancle. Journal of Sport Science and Medicine 2004;3:1–7. (In Engl.).

ºHendryᵒD., CampbellᵒA., GrisbrookᵒT. ᵒL., HopperᵒDᵒM. Effect of Mulligan's and Kinesio knee taping on adolescent ballet dancers knee and hip biomechanics during landing. Scandinavian journal of Medicine & science sports. 2015 Dec;25(6):888-96. – URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25091570(In Engl.).

Hyland M. R., Webber-Gaffney A., Cohen L. Randomised controlled trial of calcaneal taping, sham taping and plantar fascia stretching for the shot-term management of plantar hell pain. Journal Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2006; 36(6):364-71. (In Engl.).

Josia Sijmonsma Lymph taping. Theory, technique, practice. Netherlands, Hof van Twente, 2010, 200 p. (In Engl.).

Jung-hoon Lee, Wong-gyu Yoo Treatment of chronic Achilles tendon pain by Kinesio taping in an amateur badminton player Physical Therapy in Sport 2012; 13: 115-119. (In Engl.).

Jung-hoon Lee, Wong-gyu Yoo Application of posterior pelvic tilt taping for the treatment of chronic low back with sacroiliac joint dysfunction and increased sacral horizontal angle Physical Therapy in Sport 2012; 13:279-285. (In Engl.).

Jung-hoon Lee, Kyung Soon Lee Comparison of Soft Collar Versus Cervical-5 Cross-Taping on Cervical Active Range of Motion in Asymptomatic Subjects Journal Physical Therapy Science. 24:149-151, 2012. (In Engl.).

Kase K. Illustrated Kinesiotaping. Kinesiotaping perfect manual. Third Edition. 1997, 160 p. (In Engl.).

Kilbreath S L, Perkins S, Crosbie J, McConnell J. (2006) Gluteal taping improves hip extension during stance phase of walking following stroke. Australian Journal Physiotherapy:52(1):53-6. (In Engl.).

McConnell J, Donnelly C, Hamner S, Dunne J, Besier T. 2011 Effect of shoulder taping on maximum shoulder external and internal rotation range in uninjured and previously injured overhead athletes during a seated throw Journal Orthopaedic Research;29(9):1406-11. (In Engl.).

McConnell J, McIntosh B (2009) The Effect of Tape on Glenohumeral Rotation Range of Motion in Elite Junior Tennis Players. Clinical Journal Sport Medicine,19(2):90-4. (In Engl.).

McConnellºJ, DonnellyºC, HamnerºS, DunneºJ, BesierºT. 2012 Passive and dynamic shoulder rotation range in uninjured and previously injured overhead throwing athletes and the effect of shoulder taping. PM&R.;4(2):111-6. (In Engl.).

ºGwangºWon Medical Taping Concept, Daesung Medical press, 2005. (In Engl.).

OlafºKandt, CrossºLinq Handbook, Germany, Hannover, 2016, 364 p. (In Engl.).

ThelenºM.ºD., DauberºJ.ºA., StonemanºPºD. The Clinical Efficacy of Kinesio Tape for Schoulder Pain. Jornal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2008; 38(7) 389-95. (In Engl.).

YoshidaºA. The effect of Kinesio Taping on lower trunk range of motion. Research in Sports Medicine 2007; 15:103-12. (In Engl.).

Как цитировать
Батуева, А. Э. (2020). ТЕЙПИРОВАНИЕ В СПОРТЕ: ВЧЕРА И СЕГОДНЯ. Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация, 4(1), 35-40. извлечено от https://fkis74.ru/index.php/fkstdr/article/view/162